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Mr. M's Music

Now Streaming - Mr M on TikTok!

Looking for another option to find and share your love for Mr M Adventures??

Now you can find Mr M on another of your favorite go-to streaming services to watch, follow, and share with your friends!


Click the logo to jump on over and keep up to date on the latest from Mr M Adventures!

TT logo.png

All Mr M's music is available on your favorite music streaming apps.  Check out the links here to add the channel as a favourite for when you're out and about!


Airplay Partner!

Kids.Radio is a new, up-and-coming kids/family entertainment radio station based in California, USA and has accepted Mr M Adventures into their lineup!  I'm so thrilled to be included in this new adventure as a way of expanding an audience!

This page is now up and running.  Take a moment to check it out and get things moving all over the world!

Click the images on this page to see the playlists I have available on YouTube.


Don't forget to LIKE the videos and SUBSCRIBE to my channel!  That way you'll see the newest music, videos and announcements as soon as they're available.

Mr M Presents: Music for Kids LIVE 2.0

The brand new revamped show is here for more music & movement.

Illustrated Musical Instruments

Mr M's Music for Kids LIVE (2021)

Join me as we continue spending time enjoying the magic of music through movement and singing.

Image by Aditya Chinchure

Mr. M's Guitar School - Series 1 & 2 (2021)

Come & join Mr. M as he teaches everyone to play the guitar.

Image by freestocks

Mr. M's Music for Kids LIVE (2020)

Join me as we spend some time enjoying the magic of music through movement and singing.

Image by Katie Montgomery
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